Questions family business owners just like you have asked.
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Let us guess. The process started out strong, then quickly lost momentum. Now you have something resembling a strategic plan you haven’t looked at in months (likely years), much less ever fully executed it. Your key executives don’t even know it exists.
Compass Point is different because of rhythm, accountability and communication. These three components create the environment needed for long-term growth and value building. While most consulting firms leave after the plan is finished, our approach is to stay engaged to ensure you generate results from your investment of time and money.
A Six Pillars engagement runs a minimum of 12 months. Many of our clients continue our engagement for two, three or more years to fully implement the program. Check out our Client Stories and learn more about the kind of return on investment (ROI) our clients have experienced by implementing a family business operating system.
We used to do that and do you know what we learned? Even though the owner and his team did the hard work to create a strategic plan, 80% of the time the plan was put into a desk drawer never to be seen again. This is why many owners question if creating a strategic planning is worth the investment of time. Bottom line: the plan is worth it, if you WORK THE PLAN.
At Compass Point, we lock arms with our clients to build the plan using the Six Pillars of your Family Business Framework, develop the leadership team needed to implement it, and ensure that it gets executed with a proven method of accountability. That’s why our engagements are a minimum of 1 year. Creating a rhythm of success takes time, practice, and accountability. Check out these results when a client commits to the ValuePoints process.
We do! Our Executive Coaching is led by Cheyenne Bennett, a Certified High Performance Coach. The program ideal for business owners, CEOs and other C-suite executives who understand the value of coaching and are looking to level up their performance.
One of our mantras is “a company can not outgrow its leadership”. So we have created two types of group leadership development programs:
Our Corporate Leadership Lab is perfect for key executives within the same company. Click here for more information on Corporate Training.
We have also have a Leadership Lab 20/20 to support smaller companies. This is a multi-company, non-compete group environment – ideal for a single key executive to grow their leadership skills, share best practices and develop rewarding connections with like-minded professionals in other industries. Check out when our next class begins!
A strategic plan is a compass for the company. It provides a clear sense of direction and outlines the measurable goals the business needs to achieve to drive success. It guides the day-to-day decisions as well as helps the team to evaluate progress and make course corrections when needed. Not sure where to begin? Contact us and we will share our One Page Strategic Plan document with you and give you a few tips on how to use it effectively – at no charge.
Many times drama can be eliminated once everyone is clear on their responsibilities and how they will be held accountable. When a family business develops its governance, it provides the structure to ensure that people are hired based on competency and not their last name. Governance creates alignment around the direction of the business, as well as the framework for consistent and transparent communication. Check out this governance tool for a quick overview.
Another tool for curbing drama is a good succession plan. Developing one and implementing it well before the actual transition is a very good practice. This gives an owner time to develop the successor and ensure they continue to earn the respect of their peers, while not let their heads get too big.
Sometimes there is deep dysfunction in the family business (for example addiction and mental illness) that goes beyond our capabilities. If this type of situation exists, we will help you find the appropriate resources to help the individual and the family.
Absolutely! We love diving into topics that impact family businesses. Check out this page and submit your contact information. Someone from the team will be in touch to talk about how we can deliver value to your organization.
At Compass Point, we make it easy to get insights, training, tools and articles straight to your inbox and help family business owners and their team continue to grow, learn and lead.