Design Your Next Chapter | What Is Your Challenge? | Compass Point Skip to main content

From success to significance.

Walking away from something you have spent decades working on requires preparation and a plan.

Chart your next course

Building Your Next Chapter

Creating a new path

Together, we’ll take time to assess what your next journey might look like, and help you:

  • Explore opportunities for a new venture
  • Identify meaningful ways to give back
  • Build your legacy beyond the business
  • And design a plan BEFORE you exit

What would you do with the next year off from work?

Assume your family business is running smoothly and achieving quarterly goals seamlessly. What would you do with your new found freedom of time? Would you mentor, retire, start another business? The options are endless with a strategic, thoughtful plan.


Are you truly ready to move on?

Three out of four owners regret selling the business within one year of doing so. How tightly is your identity tied to the company and the day-to-day operations? Take 2 minutes and think about what you’d do once you are no longer CEO.

Ready to solve your challenge now?

Schedule a call today.


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Wonder what it’s like to partner with Compass Point?

It begins with a 30-minute call. Find out how we work with family business owners who recognize that scaling the company requires mapping a course for the Business, Ownership and Family to take the journey together.

Why Compass Point?

“Compass Point has helped us develop a rolling 3-year strategic plan with the leadership team; built in accountability and monthly meeting rhythm to monitor progress, learn, and adjust as needed. We couldn’t have done this without them!”

Steve Cygan, Founder & Former CEO, Appeeling Fruit