Grow Your Leaders | What Is Your Challenge? | Compass Point Advisors Skip to main content

Your people are
your greatest asset.

Investing in them is an investment in your business growth and legacy.

Align your team

Grow Your Leadership Team

 Invest in your team

Managing leaders doesn’t have to be a burden. Here’s how an aligned team can impact your business:

  • The right people accountable for the right results
  • Better team communication
  • More efficient and effective meetings
  • A process for growing the next generation of leaders
  • The structures in place to attract and retain the very best talent


A company simply cannot outgrow its leadership.

Take a moment and think of your leadership team. Now, answer this question truthfully… Would you REHIRE everyone today? Any hesitation is a red flag. Learn how our leadership programs can be a catalyst to better align your team.

Check out our Fall Leadership Development Programs.

Enroll your staff or bring us into your company for expedient transformational change!

Self-Mastery Leadership Lab

Develop a clear understanding of your leadership foundation (identity, values, and vision), determine how you want to grow, and utilize practical tools to create meaningful and lasting change.

When: Monthly from Wednesday, September 11, 2024 to Wednesday, June 11, 2025; 8:30-11am

Format: September and June sessions will be in-person; all other sessions will be held on Zoom

Teams Leadership Lab

Engage in experiential learning to develop the skills to be on a high-performing team and lead a high-performing team! Participants will experience and learn about the stages of team development: formation, challenges, and resilience.

When: Monthly from Wednesday, September 4, 2024 to Wednesday, April 2, 2025; 8:30-11:30am

Format: September and April sessions will be in-person; all other sessions will be held on Zoom

Managerial Masterclass

Participate in an interactive 2-day masterclass that teaches the essentials of being an exceptional manager: emotional intelligence, setting boundaries, delegating, leading effective meetings, delivering feedback, and making decisions.

When: The Masterclass will be held on October 16-17, 2024 from 8:30am-4:30pm; Integrative Reflective Learning Sessions will be held once a month on 11/19, 12/17, 1/21, and 2/18 from 8:30-10:30am

Format: Masterclass will be held in-person; Integrative Reflective Learning Sessions will be held on Zoom

Ready to solve your leadership challenge now?

Schedule a call with us today.

photo of business consultant performing leadership training for a team

If you want to grow your business, start with development for your team.

Investing in your team is investing in your business. Our development programs help emerging and established leaders create high-performance teams, overcome challenges, and ultimately, increase the bottom line.

Discover our Leadership Development Programs for Teams.



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Wonder what it’s like to partner with Compass Point?

It starts with a 30-minute call. Find out how we work with family business owners who recognize that scaling the company requires mapping a course for the Business, Ownership and Family to take the journey together.